Sunday, November 4, 2012


Long time no see. My brains have been in REST for a while, and I decided to share my thoughts about it. Beware RESTafarians.

SOAP vs REST WebServices

There are certain differences between these two approaches. Here's a short list to name just a few:

  • SOAP is about services while REST is about resources. 
  • REST interface is standardized by HTTP (GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, ...) and that's what (according to RESTafarians) makes it easy. SOAP places no restrictions on the interface, but service producer must design and describe each and every SOAP interface.
  • SOAP services have a description language (WSDL) while REST services do not. Some RESTafarians may disagree with me and praise WADL, but here's what wikipedia says about WADL: "WADL was submitted to the World Wide Web Consortium by Sun Microsystems on 31 August 2009, but the consortium has no current plans to standardize it and it is not yet widely supported. WADL is the REST equivalent of SOAP's Web Services Description Language (WSDL), which can also be used to describe REST web services.". And as we know, wikipedia is not wrong. Ever. What this means, is that you should not expect any proxy code generation based on description of the service in hand.
  • Browsers can invoke REST services natively while SOAP services require major hassle. For REST based services this is a big plus.
  • SOAP webservices are based on XML while REST services use content negotiation and should be able to produce multiple representations (like JSON).
  • REST responses are meant to be cached and the caching infrastructure is well understood and widely available. With SOAP you are on your own.
  • REST security is quite simple and is purely based on HTTP and things like SPNEGO. Don't expect services other than plain HTTP/HTTPS have. 
  • Since SOAP is not based on HTTP, you can build and consume SOAP WebServices without full understanding of HTTP. With REST services you'd better know crucial parts of HTTP by heart (e.g. response codes).

REST used directly from a browser 

I have absolutely nothing against using REST directly from a browser. Browsers implement all necessary functionality to invoke REST services correctly. They are built to deal with HTTP messages and understanding various HTTP response codes is business as usual for them. Similarly, passing user identity to REST services is mostly taken care of by the browser. And if you want to have SSO, the chances are good that you have a working solution already. For example, if your clients have SPNEGO enabled browser and your application server also knows SPNEGO, implementing SSO is piece of cake; the identity of the user is passed all the way down to your REST service. Browsers also know how to handle different representations, be it JSON, XML, HTML or almost whatever.

REST used in application-to-application communication

Communication between applications with REST is something I just don't buy. While it's relatively easy in a to build REST services, consuming services may not be so simple. For example, consuming REST service from WebSphere Application Server (and from most Java EE application servers) means you have to manage user identity by yourself; nobody's propagating user identity for you. And although appending a couple of parameters to an URL is simple, handling response may not be that simple. First of all, you must understand the HTTP response code. You also must understand the resource representation returned and soon you will end up having all kinds of content parsers within your application (e.g. some kind of shitty open-source JSON parser). While these kind of parsers probably exist, I wouldn't expect quality even close to JAXB. Are you now wondering why I'm foaming about things like JSON parsers since REST services can also produce XML? Why don't just use XML and JAXB? Of course you can use XML and JAXB, but what does it actually mean? It means you end up building the very same things by yourself what SOAP toolkits/proxies/... provide for you.


I think the simplicity of REST is vastly overvalued. You need to know this and that to make it work. For example, localization/internationalization is a good example: how do you request representation in multiple languages? Are the URIs same or not? Is "Accept-Language" -header the way to go or not? Search the web and you'll find pretty nasty debates going on with this.

So, at the end of the day I'm still in favour of using SOAP between applications and REST if the service is consumed directly by the browser. RESTafarians of course ask the big question: "how would you know who is consuming your service and why would you even care"?

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